Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Greatest Christmas Present I Could Receive

This Christmas, I have received the best christmas present anyone could ask for. On December 19th at 9:47am, Brandon Scott Tyson was born. I am almost 40 years old and I have three children that are almost grown. I had some friends to say that they were happy when their kids finally were big enough to take care of themselves and that is definitely true but I cannot explain to you how I feel about this gift from God. He is so precious and I just want to stare at him all the time.

He favors my dad and that is so overwhelming for me because I miss him so much. Brandon does not hardly cry unless he is hungry and he loves to be loved on. God has a way of showing us how much he loves us. I never imagined that I would be a new father again but the Lord knew that I would. He new that this baby would bring me a new zeal for life.

When I look at Brandon, I think of all the abortions that go on in America today. I think of our government leaders who are for the abortions and it just makes me sick to think how anyone could purposely kill their child. Children are loved by God and even the Bible says "Children, come unto me".

Thank you Jesus for giving my wife Olga and I, Brandon. Jesus, thank you for bringing this beautiful life into our lives. Thank you for being a God that wants us to be happy. Jesus, please keep Brandon safe and warm always and give him good health. Help us to raise him in the ways of the Lord ad put your love in his heart. Jesus, let Brandon one day be like his grandfather. A man that loved you more than anything. Jesus, make me an example to Brandon. Thank you lord for my wife and all my children. In jesus name, AMEN.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And my Lifesong sings by Casting Crowns - Spanish Lyrics

In my last post, I listed the songs that we will be recording on our next album. We have picked wonderful songs to translated into spanish and the first one is "And my Lifesong Sing" by Casting Crowns.

English Lyrics - And Now my LIfesong Sings
I once was lost, but now I’m found
I once was lost, but now I’m found
So far away, but I’m home now
I once was lost, but now I’m found
And now my lifesong sings

I once was blind, but now I see
I once was blind, but now I see
I don’t know how, but when He touched me
I once was blind, but now I see

And now my lifesong sings
And now my lifesong sings
And now my lifesong sings

I once was dead, but now I live
I once was dead, but now I live
Now my life to You I give
Now my life to You I give
Now my life to You I give

Let my lifesong sing to You

Spanish Lyrics - Por Fin Quiero Vivir
Perdido Yo, Dios me Hallo
Perdido Yo, Dios me Hallo
Lejos Yo Fui, Mi Hogar Perdi
Perdido Yo, Dios me Hallo
Por fin quiero vivir

Ciego estaba, hoy miro yo
Ciego estaba, hoy miro yo
No se porque, pero me toco
Ciego estaba, hoy miro yo

Por fin quiero vivir
Por fin quiero vivir
Por fin quiero vivir

Estaba Muerto, Hoy Vivo yo
Estaba Muerto, Hoy Vivo yo
Entrego mi vida, a ti Senor
Entrego mi vida, a ti Senor
Entrego mi vida, a ti Senor

Aleluya, Aleluya
Por fin quiero vivir
(repite 4 veces)

Video of the Song - And my Lifesong Sings in English

This song is a wonderful testimony on a lost soul who has found God and wants to his life to be a witness to God. Samaritan Revival will be recording in February of 2009 at Daywind Records in Nashville, Tn.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Songs for our new Album for Samaritan Revival

We are working on our new album. I have had many people to ask my if we have music of our own. The answer is yes we do but we are not just a band, we are a ministry and when I hear an english song that touches my heart, I have an inner desire to translate the song into spanish so the latin people can also be touched by the song.

There is a problem with many songs in spanish that are christian. It is more like repeating the same words over and over again than a true message that can change your life. There are man good christians songs but the most popular is songs that have words like "I am yours" repeated twenty times. I know that there is a time for everything and during certain worship times, it is good to repeat something until it really enters your heart but we as a band want to make people think and realize what God is and what he can do for your life. This is our purpose and this is why both albums that we have recorded so far have been music especially chose with a proven track record of changing english speaking people's lives and now we want to bring this to the spanish speaking world.

In the next few blog entries, I am going to go over each song that will be on our new album which will be called "Set me Free". We will be using music from Mercyme and Casting Crowns. We will also use a couple of Southern Gospel Songs also. Very soon, I will name each blog post by the name of one of the songs and I will put the english words and the spanish translation. I will also be explaining what the song means to us as a ministry and as a christian.

Translating songs is a long and hard process because if you translate it word for word then it may not fit with the music. At the same time, you have want to make one hundred percent sure that the song in spanish has the same meaning as the english version. The process that we use is done in three steps. I translate the song word for word. I then pass the spanish version over to the group and they change certain words (keeping the same meaning) to fit with the music. Then the song is given back to me and if I feel the same power of the Holy Spirit in the spanish version as I do in the english, then we are ready to record.

These are the songs that we are translating to record on our next album in February of 2009.

And my Lifesong Sing by Casting Crowns
East to West by Casting Crowns
Praise you in the Storm by Casting Crowns
Set me Free by Casting Crowns
The Word is Alive by Casting Crowns
The Center of my Joy by Richard Smallwood
Feels like Redemption by Michael English
Daystar - Gaither Vocal Band
When He was on the Cross, I was on His mind - Gaither Vocal Band
You Reign by Mercyme

These are incredible songs and we hope to do our best. Make sure you check back and see the spanish Translations and what these songs mean to us.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Time to Live and a Time to Die

Lately I have had one of those nagging phrases in my head, "A Time to Live and a Time to Die". For the life of me, I could not understand why this was popping in my head while I was trying to sleep. Then I remembered Ecclesiastes chapter 3.

In verse one it says "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". It does not say some things, it says every thing. This means that whether you are in bad shape, broke, unhealthy, this is a season that will come to an end. It also means that if you are on top of the world, money in the bank, popular, this will come to and end also. To everything there is a season. This is why it is so important never to lose our faith in God no matter what situation we are in. If you are doing great, keep your eyes on God. If you are down and devastated, keep your eyes on God.

The life of Job is so relevant to all of this because here was a man that had it all. He was rich, he had a bunch of kids which back in those days was a good thing, and he was well known. All of sudden, his world just came tumbling down. He lost everything he had, even his children. Sometimes I wonder if his wife was being used by God to test Job or if she was just full of the devil because she told Job to curse God for everything that was happening. The more you read about Job, you think that he turned away from God. His views definitely became blurry, but this goes to show that you may be mistaken about the way things are or why they are happening but the important thing is your heart and God knew that Job loved Him. That is why Job said, I would rather die than to curse God. Job may of not known it at the moment but this was a season and it would pass. The Bible says that God gave him many times over more than what he had.

The second verse of the same chapter of Ecclesiastes says "A Time to be born, and a time to die." You can look at this in many ways but let me tell you how I look at it. We are all born as a baby. This is how we come to life. We are conceived, we spend around nine months in the womb of our mother, and then we come into this world. The question is, "Are we really living when we are born?" Is this really the time that we are born. To come into a harsh world naked and cold. I believe that we are truly born when we meet Jesus for the first time. When we meet the one that died on the cross for us. This is our time to live.

To be able to represent our Lord Jesus Christ on this earth and have the opportunity to spread His word to the lost. To have a friend more powerful than any force in the universe to listen to us when we pray. Someone that will fill us with peace and joy when we are in the middle of headache. Someone that has given hope that one day we will be living in a mansion in heaven with Him. This to me is the season of living. If you do not know Christ as your savior, you are not really born. You are physically but not spiritually and it is a lonely road if you have to travel it alone.

But like the Bible says, there is a Time to Live and a Time to Die. To everything there is a season. Yes, we all have to die. The Bible says that everyman will be born and will die but guess what, if you have lived with Christ in your heart, your death will be a very very very short season because faster than the blinking of an eye, you will be in heaven. The Bible says that Jesus will come like a thief in the night. We do not know when it is going to happen but it is going to happen. Death to a Christian is only one last breath and then we get to see Glory.

I love this chapter because if you read it all, you realize that we must all go through many hardships and triumphs, joy and sadness, riches and poverty, but one day it will all come to an end and we will live for eternity with our Lord.

To end, I want to say one last thing. In verse seven it says "a time to keep silence and a time to speak". I will give my expert view on this, (I am no expert). If you are going to judge others and put people down, keep silent. If you are going to help others and give them words of hope and the message of salvation, it is a time to speak. Let us love one another no matter what situation they or you may be in because according to this passage, the people we may be putting down may be the ones one day we will need to pull us up.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Music from Bill and Gloria Gaither

If someone asked you the quesiton, "Who has had the biggest impact in the christian music industry today, who would it be?' To answer this question, there is one place so have to look. It is not on the record charts because these numbers change from day to day. I am talking about music that has lasted for decades and the music is still impacting the lives of people around the world. There is only one person or let me say family that has done this and hands down it is Bill and Gloria Gaither.

If you purchase a hymn book and you start looking at all the different songs inside that hymn book, you will see that the Gaither family has written many of the songs. I saw a report on the internet where they have written over 1,000 songs and the majority are sung every day in churches around america.

These are just some of the songs that was written by them. 1. Abide In Me 2. All God's Children 3. At The Foot Of The Cross 4. Because He Lives 5. Broken And Spilled Out 6. Calm Assurance 7. Come, Holy Spirit 8. Created In His Image 9. Dream On 10. Even So, Lord Jesus, Come 11. Feeling At Home In The Presence Of Jesus 12. Fully Alive 13. Gentle Shepherd 14. Get All Excited 15. He Touched Me 16. He's Still The King Of Kings 17. I Am A Promise 18. I Believe In Hill-Mt Calvary 19. I Came To Praise The Lord 20. I Could Never Outlove The Lord 21. I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked 22. I Will Praise Him 23. I Will Serve Thee 24. I'm Something Special 25. I've Been To Calvary 26. I've Just Seen Jesus 27. If It Keeps Getting Better 28. In The Upper Room 29. It Is Finished 30. It Will Be Worth It All 31. It's Beginning To Rain 32. Jesus Is Lord Of All 33. Jesus, I Believe What You Said 34. Jesus, I Heard You Had A Big House 35. Joy Comes In The Morning 36. Learning To Live Like A Child Of The King 37. Let's Just Praise The Lord 38. Lovest Thou Me 39. Man Can't Live By Bread Alone 40. More Of You 41. My Faith Still Holds 42. Next Time We Meet 43. Not By Might, Not By Power 44. Plenty Of Room In The Family 45. Precious Jesus 46. Reaching 47. Redeeming Love 48. Something Beautiful 49. Tell It To Your Children 50. Thanks To Calvary 51. That's What Jesus Means To Me 52. The Church Triumphant 53. The Family Of God 54. The King Is Coming 55. The Longer I Serve Him 56. The Old Rugged Cross Made The Difference 57. The Spirit Of Jesus Is In This Place 58. The World Didn't Give It To Me 59. There's Something About That Name 60. This Could Be The Dawning Of That Day 61. This Is The Day The Lord Hath Made 62. This Is The Time I Must Sing 63. Unshakable Kingdom 64. Upon This Rock 65. Walk On The Water 66. Why Should I Worry Or Fret 67. Worthy The Lamb

If you want to be blessed. Listen to their music. It is beautiful, powerful, spiritual, and anointed.


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