Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do you suffer from Anxiety?

Feeling anxiety is a terrible feeling. It is a feeling of not knowing what is going to happen. Anxiety sometimes can be a condition that is in your families history but certain situations in life can also bring on anxiety. Today, many people really do not understand how powerful anxiety can when it attacks a person. It is so powerful that is can bring a strong man to his knees, it can bring tears to a so called macho man and it can also cause panic attacks.

There is a syndrome called Prolong Anxiety Syndrome. Basically, this is when anxiety builds up inside of you but you do not really know that it is there and then all of a sudden, it will bust out like a tornado and you can feel like you are going to die. I should now because I have had problems with anxiety. My father who accomplished some incredible things in his life had this syndrome when he was younger. Here is the problem. There is no medical cure. You can take pills to control it but medically, you have to live with it and you have to learn to accept it. The hardest part is learning to accept it. Let us see for a moment what the Bible has to say about this.

There are several verses in the Bible that deal with anxiety. Proverbs 12:25 says "Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad". When a person has heaviness in the heart, this is a sign of anxiety which is also fear. The questions is, Fear of what. Most of the time, this fear is a sense of non accomplishment, fear of failing or fear of no knowing. The Bible in Psalms 34:4 give us hope, "I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears". There are four words in this verse that are the most important words for anyone that is having problems with anxiety. I SOUGHT THE LORD. These words can change your life but you truly have to follow these four very important words.

I am a common sense kind of a guy so lets see what are some common suggestions for people who have anxiety, fear and worry in their life. I am no doctor but these are the suggestions that I can give you.

SLEEP - Humans generally need 8 or 9 hours of sleep per day. Sleep deprivation can increase anxiety. Get enough rest. If you cannot sleep, you may need to seek God’s help and perhaps that of a physician.

BE MORE REALISTIC - Many people are worried and anxious about events that will never actually will happen to them. Relax. Focus on today. Take life one day at a time.

LISTEN to relaxing, soothing music. There is some great Christian music available that can help you focus on God and leave your fears and worries behind. It may also help to listen to good Christian speakers and teachers.

FUN - If at all possible, do something that you enjoy. It is good to get some recreation on a regular basis. Take a break. Get your mind off your fears and worries, and have some fun.

TALK to someone. Don’t hold all the anxiety inside. It can be a big relief to share your fears and worries with someone else -- a friend, relative, pastor or counselor. If fear and anxiety is an ongoing problem in your life, schedule a regular time each week to talk with someone.

TAKE ACTION - If there is something practical and wise that you can do to alleviate the problem or avoid needless danger, take action. Don’t put it off. Procrastination will generally raise your anxiety level.

EXERCISE - Medical studies show that exercise can help lower anxiety. If you are healthy enough to exercise, try it. Regular brisk walks, running, swimming or other exercises can be a real stress reducer.

Take one step at a time. Try your best to look at the good instead of the bad and most of all, Seek after God. Remember the four important words, "I sought the Lord".

I can't promise you that this will cure you. Anxiety is worst than most people that do not suffer from this will ever imagine but as they say, "the sun always rises in the morning", and most likely, you will be there to see it.

Philip Tyson

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