Saturday, November 29, 2008

I have started writing a book

For a very long time, I have had a desire to write a book. I can't really explain the reason for this but it is more than a desire, it feels like a need. I want to tell my story but I also feel like I need it for myself. I have had a very interesting life so far, more than you can imagine. Living in Central America most of my life has been extremely exciting and interesting but it had also allowed me to not by so closed minded as some people are.

We cannot fault people for being closed minded. It really depends on where and how they were raised. I have friends who have never left the state or even the county they live in. It is hard people who have been stuck in one place to really have a sense on how the majority of people live around the world. There is a song that Keith Green sings called "Open Your Eyes". One of the verses says "Open your eyes to the world all around you, this world is much more than the things that surround you". He was totally right and I thank the Lord that I have had the opportunity to see other parts of the world, other cultures, and other peoples.

I have already started writing and I have a publisher who has already promised to take a look at it when I am finished. I have no idea when this will be because everything seems to come day by day. I write until I run out of thoughts and then the next morning, I wake up and write again. I guess when I am finished, I will take a look at it and I will either erase it all and start over or I will know that this is what I want people to know.

One thing that is in my character is that I am a very open person. Being a missionaries kid, I grew up being taught that I was supposed to be an example to others. As christians, we are all supposed to be examples but the problem with having something like this hanging over your head is the fact that I seemed to hide many feelings deep inside of me. As teenagers, we all go through many changes and it is important to be able to have an open door to be able to talk about what is going on inside. If you don't, those feelings will one day come pouring out. A kid may have feelings of self doubt and he may even have questions that he has about the bible and he may even doubt some things that are in the bible. This does not mean that he is devil possessed or losing his mind, this just means that he needs someone to talk to him and to pray with him. The power of evil is very strong and we truly need to be close to our families and we need to be open with them.

I think that I have gotten totally off subject but as I said before, when I start writing, I write what is on my heart. One sad point for me today is that my daughter Stephany graduated from High School in Honduras. Unfortunately, I am in the states and I cannot be with her because we are about to have another baby and my wife is going to have surgery because the baby is in a breach position.

Please pray for my wife Olga. She is supposed to have surgery on December 4th to deliver the baby. We are all excited but we are also anxious.

I guess this is all for now. I really enjoy writing to all of you and I hope that if you have now joined our blog mailing list, you will. Please subscribe if you have not subscribed yet. I do not know if these blogs help you any of they sure help me.


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