Thursday, November 13, 2008

God can make your dreams come true

Do you have dreams about the future? Do you ever think about where you want to be one year from now? Do you have goals that you have not met yet but you dream about accomplishing those goals and going even further? We are going to talk about this for a little bit and lets just see what conclusion we come to.

There are different types of dreams. There are financial dreams, dreams about having a family, dreams about your personal appearance or in other words loosing weight or even gaining weight. There are some people that also dream about finding peace and finding a way to get out under so much stress.

The Bible says that "He will give you the desires of your heart". Who is he saying this to? Is he talking to just anyone who is willing to ask him or is this promise directed to a certain group or race. I know that all of you know people who are achievers. It seems that everything they touch turns to gold. No matter what they do, they cannot fail and all their dreams seem to come true.

The problem with this is that as humans, we are only able to see the outside layer of a person. We are only able to see how they act, how they speak, the material things they may have, but we have no idea what is going on inside their heart. Did you know that many of the suicides today are people who are not poor. Many of these people seem to be successful but they end up taking their life. WHY?

The Bible says that "what does it matter is we gain the world and lose our soul". Material things do not make us happy. It may fill a void for a short time but the emptiness will return. You see, only God can give you what you truly need. My desire is that every christian in the world be rich and successful but that may not be the plan of God. God knows each and everyone of us personally and he knows what we really need.

The Apostle Paul gave us a tremendous and wealthy position to follow God and he never regretted it. Even though he went through every type of sacrifice you can imagine, what did he say before he died? He said that he had ran the good race and fought the good fight and he did not regret the decision he had made to follow Jesus. What was his dream? His dream was to stay faithful and to finish well. Our dream should be to finish well. To come to the end of our life and be able to say, "I have not been perfect but I have stayed faithful to the Lord".

Here is the exciting part. If you keep your eyes on Jesus and if you stay faithful, He will give you the desires of your heart. God is a good God. He is almighty and powerful and He is loving. Remember though that God is not on our timeline. We never know when the blessings will come but what I can tell you is that if you are a born again christian and you do not receive rewards here on earth, you will and I mean YOU WILL receive them in heaven.

Philip Tyson

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