Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You never know what tomorrow may bring

Have you ever felt stuck in the mud? No matter how hard you work or how much effort you put into reaching a goal, you just cannot get started. On the other hand, have you ever been cruising along without any speed bumps in the road and all of a sudden everything just seems to fall apart? You never know what tomorrow may bring.

If we could only look into the future, wouldn't that be great. To know what is coming so we can be prepared for it. Many people have a problem with not knowing what is coming next. They lay at night not able to sleep because they do not know what tomorrow will bring. When the phone rings, they are afraid to answer because it may be bad news. It would surprise you to know just how many people suffer from this each day.

Honestly, I hate no knowing. When someone calls me and they set up to meet me to discuss something several days in advance, I cannot stand the waiting time. I like to know NOW. I do not like surprises but we all have to deal with this because we cannot get our way every time. Life does not give us this luxury.

The solution to this is simple and it can be hard. It really depends on how much faith you have in God. When you put your life in God's hands, and you trust Him totally, you come to realize that no matter what the future has in store for you, God is in control. This does not mean that everything is going to come out like you want it to come out. I heard a preacher say just the other day that God will break you before He will use you. How will He break you? Only God knows but He will never abandon you no matter what you are going through. Tomorrow is a question because we may have an hourly schedule but we really never know what is coming but God does.

I remember when I applied back in 1990 for a Radio permit in Honduras. I wanted to build a Christian Radio Station. I walked into the government office and applied. I had no paperword, just a form that was given to me. When the government official received the application, he let me know right off that it would be almost impossible for this contract to go through. I cannot really explain it but I left that office with peace in my heart. It was not the kind of peace that assured me that the permit would be given, it was just a feeling or a mentality of not worrying about it. If it came through, GREAT, if it did not, OH WELL!

I didn't really think about it anymore until I received a phone call nine months later. I remember picking up the phone and a male voice said, "is this Philip Tyson?" I said yes. He said "Your radio permit has been approved." For a moment, I did not even know what he was talking about. I had put this in the hands of the Lord and for some reason that only God knows, He wanted me to wait nine months for this permit to come through. This is how the Samaritan Radio Network started. We are now the largest Christian Radio Network in Central America. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT TOMORROW MAY BRING.

I am no expert about prophecy or anything else but I can tell you this. Let God handle things. Do what you have to do and then wait on God. If it is His will, it will happen. If it is not, it wont. It is that simple. We have to put effort into what we believe God is calling us to do but let us not rush the Lord. He works on His timeline and when the time is right, tomorrow will be a wonderful day.

Philip Tyson

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